
Alaska Railroad Budd dome coach 7074 at Beech Grove, Indiana on February 4, 1987, Kodachrome by Chuck Zeiler. Number 7074 was built by Budd in 1955 as CB&Q 1334, part of the Burlington's contribution to the Great Northern Empire Builder, thus originally painted in Empire Builder colors, later Big Sky Blue. The following is from www.trainweb.us/railnewspb/Q/#1333/
CB&Q 1334 ( unnamed ) - pool service coach for GN "Empire Builder" - pool service car painted in GN colors, became BN 4614 ( not applied ), Amtrak 9474, leased to ARR 7074 ( 4/84-12/85 ), returned and stored, leased to Texas Southern, sold to VIA as 521 ( 1987 ) - stored inactive in Montreal. Stripped, then sold to Gateway Coach/Ben Butterworth and moved to ITAC 12/06-1/07. Taken on February 4, 1987